The Weekend Follies
Bits and pieces from your neighborhood game show analyst as we approach another train wreck in prime time:
---Candidly, I'm not too crazy about this Greed gimmick of bringing back former players this early. This is something you save for a year down the road for a season-ending tournament of champions, of some ilk. However, I will enjoy seeing Curtis Warren and Melissa Skirboll again. Dan Avila, nonetheless, ought to be included in one of these "million dollar moment" showdowns down the road.
---Garth Ancier's salvo about ABC dropping Millionaire in against Twenty-One rings a bit hollow. Do you mean to tell me if NBC had been the network with WWTBAM, it would not have considered the same strategy? WWTBAM is the ultimate neutron bomb for now. It won't be forever. If NBC ever finds its, just watch the fur fly.
---If game shows are "bad for television," as CBS President Les Moonves said a month ago, then why is he developing the biggest bench of games of any of the networks?
---Tell me: will you really watch Big Brother five nights a week this summer?
---Todd Newton continues to impress on the new Hollywood Showdown. Looks to me to be the next one to crack "the fraternity" of emcees.
---Want a woman who could, in my view, be a first-rate host? Do any of you hear Kim Komando in your area? Komando has a weekly three-hour radio show for computer users on more than 300 stations across the U.S. Kim has the personality, style and pizazz of someone who could do a show such as Let's Make a Deal.
---I just found Oxygen on my satellite dish, so I'll be reviewing I've Got a Secret shortly.
---Tell me: are you really on the edge of your seat to see Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire? next week?
---Tuesday's updates will be very, very late. We're taping four more episodes of I've Heard That Song! Tuesday night in a very demanding week. Those shows and two TV basketball doubleheaders on my agenda in the next week. Ugh!!!
---Looks as though The $1,064,000 Question will finally see the light of CBS air in March. I'm disappointed Sande Stewart apparently will not be the producer. Sande's had a fine touch, of late, in the tradition of his father.
---I wonder how many viewers bought the explanation of the payoff changes from Maury Povich on Twenty-One Wednesday night. Ratings were back up.
---If Ancier is so antsy about schedule changes, why did he pull Twenty-One from its scheduled Jan. 31 Monday airing and now is reinserting it back on Mondays for the rest of the sweeps? That plays havoc with affiliate sales departments.
---Tell me: how often will you click in on the Big Brother website?
---I don't like the recorded Tom Scott Orchestra score on Twenty-One as much as the live band. That winner's crescendo lost some of its flourish Wednesday night.
---Game Show Network will debut a revamped website at its www.gameshownetwork.com URL Feb. 21.
---Tell me: how do you really feel about networks giving away prime time finishes in their promos?
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